eResearch NZ

Future proofing the University of Canberra’s research data: Connecting processes and systems

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posted on 2022-03-03, 01:23 authored by eRNZ AdmineRNZ Admin, Anesh Nair, Grahame Pearson

The University of Canberra is currently undertaking a project to develop a Research Data Management framework. The first part of this project involved development of our research data management policy/procedure, guidelines for researchers on how to appropriately classify the sensitivity of their data and providing the appropriate storage solutions for the various levels of their data. From here, the University identified several gaps in our current systems with respect to research data management in the pre-publication and post publication spaces. We sought out solutions to fill these gaps and provide researchers with appropriate tools to assist them in their research data management planning such as RedBox, Mendeley Data and Mendeley Data Monitor.

For pre-publication management, University has implemented Mendeley Data, share folders and one drive while Mendeley data monitor was implemented to help with post-publication management. We successfully linked Mendeley Data monitor with our research management system PURE allowing us to have Data Object Identifiers (DOI) and metadata stored and linked to the publications and grants. RedBox is being engaged as a tool for researchers to develop their research data management plans and to request for storage provisioning.

Though these systems were implemented independently, the University is now working actively with the team from Elsevier and ReDBox on a pilot project to integrate these various research management systems and our ethics system Infonetica through application programming interfaces (APIs). In this process we have learnt some valuable lessons that would be of interest to other Universities of similar size and resources.


Dr Anesh Nair
Anesh is the Manager of Research Ethics, Integrity and Biosafety at University of Canberra. In addition to this role, he has led the UC eResearch team since September 2020. In that time, the team has been involved in several eResearch initiatives. Dr Nair is currently spearheading the University's participation in ARDC's Institutional Underpinnings program and is a member of the editorial committee. He has a keen interest in research data management.

Mr Grahame Pearson
As a Solution Sales Manager in the APAC region, Grahame looks to ensure that all customers and future clients are getting the best out of Pure, Digital Commons and Digital Commons Data. Grahame has extensive experience in this field, having worked in a university environment at a range of institutions for many years and in a number of research support roles. He has solid working knowledge of other key areas including human resources, finance, information technology, student, and the institutional planning office.


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