Building partnerships for eResearch
NeSI’s purpose is to build the High Performance Compute (HPC) capability of New Zealand researchers - to build skills, tools, ambitions and communities. NeSI has chosen to deliver on this goal through a network of collaborative relationships, or ‘partnerships’. Partnerships could be with researchers, research groups and organisations.
In this session I will outline why we value partnerships and describe the richness of NeSI’s partnership landscape using case studies of some current partnerships. I will then delve into some of the challenges and lessons learned of this relationship-based approach, including Collective Impact, choosing where to focus our energy and share some of the tactics we use to keep track.
Georgina is the Science Engagement Manager at NeSI where she ensures that NeSI is building strong relationships with the research sector. Prior to NeSI she has worked in molecular biology and intellectual property. She is passionate about enabling research and is interested in the fundamental shifts required to level up scientific research.